American Baby Boy Name

American baby boy names reflects rich tapestry of cultural influences ranging from classic English names like James and William to more modern names as Mason and Ethan. American parents are most inspired from its literature, history, and culture to choose names that resonate with them and their families for making its mark on the next generation. In this page you can find your most lovable baby names.

Baby Boy Names starts with Letter A-Z

The letter A refers confidence, leadership and independence.  This letter is one of the most powerful letters of the alphabet and people choose this letter as their initial and beginners of the world. Here are the some selected American Baby Names starts with letter A with its meaning and details of a popular person associated with the letter “A”.

NameMeaningFamous Person on this Name
AaronHigh mountainAaron Paul
AbbottFatherAbbott and Costello
AbelSon of breathAbel Tesfaye
AbelardResolutePeter Abelard
AbrahamFather of manyAbraham Lincoln
AbramExalted fatherAbram Boise
AceOne, unityAce Frehley
AdamEarth, manAdam Levine
AdlerEagleAdler Planetarium
AdrianFrom the Adriatic SeaAdrian Grenier
AdrielFlock of GodAdriel Jeremiah Green
AidanLittle fireAidan Quinn
AidenFiery oneAiden Turner
AjaxEagleAjax the Great
AkselGod’s protectionAksel Lund Svindal
AlanHandsome, cheerfulAlan Rickman
AlaricRuler of allAlaric Saltzman
AlastairDefender of the peopleAlastair Cook
AlbertNoble, brightAlbert Einstein
AldenOld, wise friendAlden Ehrenreich
AlderOld, wise counselorAlder Hey Children’s Hosp
AldoOld, wise oneAldo Leopold
AldousOld, prosperousAldous Huxley
AldricOld rulerAldric Saucier
AldrichOld, wise rulerAldrich Killian
AldwinOld friendAldwin Clements
AlecDefender of the peopleAlec Baldwin
AlexanderDefender of the peopleAlexander Hamilton
AliThe highestAli Krieger
AlistairDefender of the peopleAlistair Overeem
AllenLittle elfAllen Iverson
AlonsoNoble; ready for battleAlonso Cueto
AloysiusFamous warriorAloysius Snuffleupagus
AlstonElf stoneAlston Koch
AltonOld townAlton Brown
AlvinNoble friendAlvin and the Chipmunks
AmadeusLover of GodAmadeus Mozart
AmariEternalAmari Cooper
AmbroseImmortalAmbrose Bierce
AmiasLovedAmias Berman
AmiriPrinceAmiri Baraka
AmmonFaithful, trustworthyAmmon Bundy
AmoryWork rulerAmory Lovins
AmosStrong, carriedAmos Lee
AnakinWarriorAnakin Skywalker
AndersManlyAnders Celsius
AndersonSon of AndrewAnderson Cooper
AndreMan, warriorAndre Agassi
AndrewManly, strongAndrew Garfield
AneurinNoble, honorableAneurin Bevan
AngeloMessenger of GodAngelo Dundee
AngusOne strengthAngus Young
AnselNobleAnsel Elgort
AnselmDivine protectionAnselm Kiefer
AnsonSon of AnnAnson Mount
AnthonyPricelessAnthony Hopkins
ApolloManly beauty, god of the sunApollo Creed
ArcherBowmanArcher John Porter Martin
ArchieGenuineArchie Comics
ArdenEagle valleyArden Myrin
AresGod of warAres
AriLionAri Gold
ArlenPledge, oathArlen Specter
ArloBarberry treeArlo Guthrie
ArnoldEagle powerArnold Schwarzenegger
ArrowPointed projectileArrow Electronics
ArthurBearArthur C. Clarke
ArturoNoble, bearArturo Vidal
ArvidEagle treeArvid Carlsson
AsaPhysicianAsa Butterfield
AshAsh treeAsh Ketchum
AsherHappy, blessedAsher Angel
AshfordFord by the ash treeAshford Simpson
AshtonTown of ash treesAshton Kutcher
AshwinLight, horse tamerAshwin Willemse
AsimLimitlessAsim Umar
AslanLionAslan Karatsev
AtlasEnduring, to carryAtlas Shrugged
AtticusMan of Attica (region in Greece)Atticus Finch
AudenOld friendAuden Tate
AugustGreat, magnificentAugust Wilson
AugustineMajesticSaint Augustine of Hippo
AugustusGreat, venerableAugustus Pablo
AustinMajesticAustin Butler
AveryElf rulerAvery Bradley
AviMy fatherAvi Buffalo
AxelFather of peaceAxel Rose
AxlSource of all lifeAxl Rose
AxtonSwordsman’s stoneAxton
AydenLittle fireAyden Callaghan
AymericRuler, kingAymeric Laporte
AzraelHelper of GodAzrael Ibn al-Tayyib
NameMeaningFamous Person on this Name
BakerBakerBaker Mayfield
BaldwinBold, friendAlec Baldwin
BalianStrong, healthyBalian Buschbaum
BannerFlag, ensignBanner Thomas
BanyanHindu merchantBanyan Tree
BarclayBirch tree meadowBarclay Crenshaw
BarlowHill, moundBarlow Tyrie
BaronNoble warriorBaron Davis
BarrettBear strengthBarrett Foa
BarringtonTown of barleyBarrington Levy
BartonBarley settlementBarton Gellman
BaxterBakerBaxter Black
BaylorOne who delivers goodsBaylor Barnes
BeaconSignal, lightBeacon Hill
BealeHandsomeBeale Street
BearBearBear Grylls
BeasleyMeadow of peasBeasley Reece
BeckStreamBeck Hansen
BeckettDweller by the brookBeckett Cypher Rossdale
BeckettBee cottageSamuel Beckett
BeckhamHomestead by the streamDavid Beckham
BenjaminSon of the right handBenjamin Franklin
BennettBlessedTony Bennett
BensonSon of BenBenson Henderson
BentleyMeadow with coarse grassBentley Green
BentlyMeadow with coarse grassBently Oladapo
BentonMoor, grassy placeBenton Paul
BerkeleyBirch tree meadowBerkeley Breathed
BevanSon of EvanBevan Docherty
BinghamOne who lives by the bridgeBingham Ray
BirchBirch treeBirch Bayh
BishopOverseer, guardianBishop Briggs
BladeKnife or swordBlade Runner
BlaineThin or leanBlaine Larsen
BlaineYellowBlaine Gabbert
BlaiseLisp, stutterBlaise Pascal
BlakePale, fair-hairedBlake Shelton
BlaneThin, slenderBlane Howard
BlazeFlameBlaze Foley
BlytheFree spiritBlythe Danner
BoLivingBo Jackson
BodeMessengerBode Miller
BodeyMessengerBodey Marcoccia
BodhiAwakened, enlightenedBodhi Rook
BohdanGift from GodBohdan Ulihrach
BohdiAwakened, enlightenedBohdi Elfman
BookerBookmakerBooker T. Washington
BookerBeekeeperBooker T. Washington
BooneGood personDaniel Boone
BowenSon of OwenBowen Yang
BowieYellow-hairedDavid Bowie
BoydYellow, blondBoyd Holbrook
BraddockBroad oakBraddock Cunningham
BradenSalmonBraden Holtby
BradfordBroad fordBradford Dillman
BradleyBroad clearingBradley James
BradleyBroad clearingBradley Cooper
BradySpiritedTom Brady
BrahmPrayer, sacredBrahm Wachter
BramFather of manyBram Stoker
BramblePrickly shrubBramble Cay Melomys
BramwellDweller by the brambleBramwell Fletcher
BrandonBeacon hillBrandon Lee
BrandtFirebrandBrandt Snedeker
BrantFirebrandBrant Daugherty
BrantleyProud, fieryBrantley Gilbert
BrantonBroom hillBranton Sheran
BrawleyMeadow at the slopeBrawley Nolte
BraxtonBrock's townBraxton Beckham
BraydenBroad hillBrayden Schenn
BreakerBreaker of ground-
BreckenFreckledBrecken Palmer
BrendanPrinceBrendan Fraser
BrettA native of BrittanyBrett Favre
BrevardBroad woodBrevard Childs
BrevinBrave, strong-
BrewBrewerBrew Barrymore
BrewerOne who brewsBilly Brewer
BrewsterBrewerBrewster Wheeler
BriceSpeckledBrice Beckham
BridgerLives near a bridgeBridger Zadina
BridgmanLives near a bridgeP.W. Bridgman
BriggsDweller by the bridgeBriggs Cunningham
BrighamDweller by the bridgeBrigham Young
BrightonThe bright townBrighton Sharbino
BrioVigor, vivacityBrio Magazine
BrixBreaker of ground-
BrixtonFrom Brixton, EnglandBrixton Marley Tosh
BrockBadgerBrock Lesnar
BrocktonBadger settlementBrockton McKinney
BroderickBrotherlyMatthew Broderick
BrodyDitchBrody Jenner
BroganShoeBrogan Berry
BronBrownBron Taylor
BronsonBrown's sonCharles Bronson
BronxFrom the boroughBronx Mowgli Wentz
BrooksSmall streamGarth Brooks
BrunoBrownBruno Mars
BryantStrong, honorableKobe Bryant
BryceNoble, swiftBryce Dallas Howard
BrysonSon of BriceBryson DeChambeau
BuckMale deerBuck Owens
BurkeFrom the fortressBurke Ramsey
BurtonFortified townBurton Cummings
ByronBearLord Byron
NameMeaningFamous Person on this Name
CadeRound, lumpyCade Cunningham
CadellSpirit of the battleCadell Last
CadenFighterCaden Turney
CadmusDragon's teethCadmus Wilcox
CadoganBattle gloryCadogan Baxter
CadwellWarrior's springCadwell Turnbull
CaeliusSky, heavenCaelius Vibenna
CaelumHeavenlyCaelum Turner
CagneyDescendant of the advocateJames Cagney
CaiusRejoiceCaius Ballad
CalderRough watersCalder Kamin
CaleDogCale Makar
CalebFaithful, devotedCaleb McLaughlin
CalhounFrom the narrow forestCalhoun Tubbs
CallaghanBright-headedCallaghan Finlayson
CallahanLittle bright-headed oneCallahan Bright
CallanRockCallan McAuliffe
CallisterFortressCallister Stallone
CallumDoveCallum Turner
CalumDoveCalum Scott
CalvinBaldCalvin Harris
CamdenWinding valleyCamden Garcia
CameronCrooked noseCameron Diaz
CanyonFootpathCanyon Barry
CarletonFree peasants' townCarleton Young
CarlowNarrow lakeCarlow Dunlap
CarrickRockCarrick Felix
CarringtonTown with a churchCarrington Garland
CarsonSon of CarrCarson Daly
CarstenChristianCarsten Ball
CarterCart driverCarter Reynolds
CarverWood carverGeorge Washington Carver
CaseyVigilant in warCasey Affleck
CashWealthyJohnny Cash
CasimirProclaims peaceCasimir Pulaski
CasparKeeper of the treasureCaspar David Friedrich
CaspianFrom the Caspian SeaCaspian Lennox
CassanderMan's defenderCassander Brice
CassianHollowCassian Elwes
CassioEmpty, vainCassio Werneck
CassiusVain, emptyCassius Clay (Muhammad Ali)
CaswellDweller at the castleCaswell Massey
CavanHandsome, comelyCavan Biggio
CavanaghLittle hollowCavanagh Tomlin
CesarHead of hairCesar Millan
ChaimLifeChaim Topol
ChanceFortune or luckChance the Rapper
ChancellorOffice holderChancellor Palpatine
ChandlerCandle makerChandler Riggs
ChanningYoung wolfChanning Tatum
CharletonFree peasant's townCharleton Heston
CharlieFree manCharlie Sheen
CharltonFree peasant's townCharlton Heston
ChaseHunterChase Crawford
ChaunceyChancellorChauncey Leopardi
ChesleyCamp in the meadowChesley Sullenberger
ChesneyOak groveChesney Hawkes
ChetFortunate, prosperousChet Baker
ChiltonTown by the springChilton Cantelo
ChristopherChrist-bearerChristopher Walken
ChurchillChurch hillWinston Churchill
CianAncientCian Fahey
CiananAncientCianan Kennedy
CiaranLittle dark oneCiaran Hinds
ClancyRed-haired warriorClancy Brown
ClarkClergymanClark Gable
ClarksonClergyman's sonClarkson Fisher
ClaytonTown on clayClayton Kershaw
ClearyLearned, scholarlyCleary Wolters
ClemensGentle, mercifulClemens Brentano
CleonFamous, renownedCleon Jones
CletisIllustriousCletis Carr
CletusIllustriousCletus Seldin
CliffsonSon of a cliff dwellerCliffson Durant
CliftonTown by the cliffClifton Collins Jr.
CobaltBlue, a chemical elementCobalt Nichols
CoburnShelter, caveCoburn Goss
CobySupplanterCoby Bell
CodyHelpfulCody Simpson
CoenBrave, boldCoen Brothers
ColbertRenowned, famousColbert Report
ColbeyDark-haired, dark-skinnedColbey Northcutt
ColbyDark-haired, dark-skinnedColby Donaldson
ColemanDoveColeman Hawkins
CollierCharcoal makerCollier Landry
ColmDoveColm Feore
ColmanDoveColman Domingo
ColsonSwarthy, coal-blackColson Whitehead
ColtYoung horseColt Ford
ColterDark, swarthyColter Wall
ColtonCoal townColton Haynes
ColtraneFrom the dark narrow oneJohn Coltrane
ColvilleHill with coalColville Barclay
ColwynYoung houndColwyn Trevarthen
ConallStrong in battleConall Gulban
ConlanHeroConlan Wessels
ConnerLover of houndsConner O'Malley
ConradBold, wise counselorConrad Hilton
ConstantineSteadfast, constantConstantine Maroulis
ConwayHound of the plainConway Twitty
CooperBarrel makerBradley Cooper
CorbanRavenCorban Knight
CorbenRavenCorben Bernsen
CorbettRavenCorbett Monica
CorbinRavenCorbin Bernsen
CorbynRavenCorbyn Besson
CordellCord makerCordell Broadus
CoreyChosenCorey Feldman
CorlissCheerfulCorliss Williamson
CormacSon of defilementCormac McCarthy
CormickSon of defilementCormick McCarthy
CornellHorn-coloredCornell West
CorradoBold advisorCorrado Giaquinto
CorrickMarsh dwellerCorrick Caldwell
CorriganSpear bearerCorrigan Vaughn
CortlandCourtier, landownerCortland Finnegan
CorvinRavenCorvin Matyas
CorvusRavenCorvus Glaive
CorwinFriend of the heartCorwin Losack
CoveSheltered bayCove Reber
CovingtonSettlement at the hillCovington Curtis
CrandallValley of the craneCrandall Minton
CrawfordFord by the crow-infested placeCrawford Wilson
CreedBelief, faithCreed Bratton
CreedenceBelief, faithCreedence Clearwater Revival
CreedonGraciousCreedon Warney
CreightonRocky townCreighton Abrams
CresswellLives by the watercress springCresswell Kent
CrispianCurly-hairedCrispian St. Peters
CrispinCurly-hairedCrispin Glover
CromwellWinding streamCromwell Anker
CrosbyDweller by the crossCrosby Stills Nash
CrosleyCross meadowCrosley Ward
CroydonSaffron valleyCroydon Fink
CruzCrossCruz Beckham
CullenHandsome, good-lookingCullen Jenkins
CulverDoveCulver Kidd
CurtisCourteous, politeCurtis Stone
CutterMetalworkerCutter Dykstra
CyprianFrom CyprusCyprian Ekwensi
CyprienFrom CyprusCyprien Katsaris
CyrilLordly, proudCyril Ramaphosa
CyrusFar-sightedCyrus Pallonji Mistry
NameMeaningFamous Person on this Name
DanielGod is my judgeDaniel Radcliffe
DylanSon of the seaBob Dylan
DavidBelovedDavid Beckham
DonovanDark-hairedDonovan McNabb
DevinPoetDevin Booker
DamienTo tameDamien Chazelle
DominicBelonging to the LordDominic Cooper
DerekRuler of the peopleDerek Jeter
DustinThor's stoneDustin Hoffman
DaltonFrom the valley townDalton Trumbo
DexterRight-handed, fortunateDexter Gordon
DeclanMan of prayerDeclan McKenna
DariusUpholder of the goodDarius Rucker
DesmondGracious defenderDesmond Tutu
DaxtonWarrior's townDax Shepard
DiegoSupplanterDiego Luna
DamonConstant, loyalDamon Wayans
DaneFrom DenmarkDane Cook
DawsonSon of DavidDawson Leery (Fictional)
DenverGreen valleyDenver Pyle
DorianGiftDorian Gray (Fictional)
DrewWiseDrew Barrymore
DwayneLittle dark oneDwayne Johnson
DallasValley of the waterDallas Green
DemetriusDevoted to Demeter, goddess of agricultureDemetri Martin
DevlinFierce courageDev Patel
DeaconReligious leaderDeacon Frey
DwightWhite or blondeDwight D. Eisenhower
DarrellDear oneDarrell Waltrip
DavisSon of DavidDavis Guggenheim
DukeLeaderDuke Ellington
DaytonBright, sunny townDayton Callie
DashawnGod is graciousDaShawn Stevenson
DamariGentleDamari Gray
DionSon of ZeusDion Waiters
DarnellHidden placeDarnell Nurse
DeonDivineDeon Sanders
DarrianWealthyDarrian Miller
DarienWealthyDarien Lake (Place)
DonteEnduringDonte DiVincenzo
DarrelBelovedDarrelle Revis
DaxLeaderDax Riggs
DeshawnGod is graciousDeShawn Stevenson
DeeganDark-hairedDeegan (Racing)
DashTo run quicklyDash Mihok
DracoDragonDraco Malfoy (Fictional)
DionteDivineDionte Christmas
DemarionTo marvel as GodDeMarion Houston
DavonteBelonging to GodDaVonte Lacy
DamionTo tameDamion James
DariousUpholder of the goodDarious Williams
DeonteDivineDeonte Burton
DarrynGreatDarryn Binder
DouglasDark riverDouglas Adams
DarianGiftDarian Durant
DevonteDivine fortuneDeVonte' Graham
DraydenDragonDrayden Van Dyke
DillonFaithfulDillon Francis
DemarcoWarlikeDeMarco Murray
DashiellPage boy, heraldDashiell Hammett
DanteEnduringDante Basco
DamarionTo marvel as GodDamarion Eiland
DaxsonSon of DaxDaxson Deming
DemetriDevoted to Demeter, goddess of agricultureDemetri Goodson
DarrinGreatDarrin Fletcher
DallenValleyDallen Stanford
DesmundFrom the mountainDesmund O'Hanlon
DerickRuler of the peopleDerick Brassard
DimitriEarth loverDimitri Payet
DeontayModern creationDeontay Wilder
DarrylDarlingDarryl McDaniels
DarwinDear friendCharles Darwin
DavisonSon of DavidDavison Dalziel
DarnelHidden placeDarnel Situ
DallinFrom the valleyDallin H. Oaks
DennyGod is my judgeDenny Hamlin
DouglassDark riverFrederick Douglass
DerrinGreatDerrin Lamker
DurandFirm, enduringDurand Johnson
DamarisGentle calfDamaris Lewis
DarielOpen, faithfulDariel Álvarez
DerronGreatDerron Smith
DempseyProud, vainDempsey Rollins
DajuanGod is graciousDajuan Wagner
DaylinBeautifulDaylin Swearinger-Beaver
DestinFate, destinyDestin Tucker
DonnellyBrave, darkDonnelly Rhodes
DysonSon of DenisDyson Heppell
DruWiseDru Joyce III
DarvinDear friendDarvin Adams
DenaliGreat oneDenali Wilson
DevanshPart of GodDevansh Patel
DarshanTo perceive, to seeDarshan Kumaar
DustanBrave warriorDustan Knight
DeondreBrave, manlyDeondre Francois
DavianBelonging to the belovedDavian Adeleke
DempsterJudge, arbiterDempster Jackson
DaxtenTown of the warriorDaxten Flood
DevlandLand of the godsDevland DuBois
DerrylOpen, possiblyDerryl Cousins
DelaneyFrom the alder groveDelaney Jones
DrexelSorority boyAnthony Drexel Biddle
DaquanStrong leaderDaquan Cook
DemondWorld of manDemond Wilson
DieterRuler of the peopleDieter Zetsche
DezmondGracious defenderDezmond Briscoe
DevereuxRiverbankDevereux Milburn
DarrionUpholder of the goodDarrion Caldwell
DiorGoldenChristian Dior
DonatelloGift of GodDonatello Versace
DunstanDark stoneDunstan Thorn
DaxonSon of DavidDaxon Benway
DorseyDark-hairedDorsey Levens
DaivikDivineDaivik Hosiery
DarynGiftDaryn Colledge
DrishtiFocus, sightDrishti Dhami
DaelanSmall waterfallDaelan Giffin
DiggoryLost thingsCedric Diggory (Fictional)
DredenFrom the valleyDreden Sittser
DenhamFrom the valley settlementDenham Brown
DallenFrom the valleyDallen Stanford
DevlinFierce courageDevlin Hodges
DeontaeModern creationDeontae Skinner
DarianGiftDarian Durant
DempseyProud, vainDempsey Rollins
DeshawnGod is graciousDeShawn Stevenson
DelbertBright, shiningDelbert Hosemann
DiorGoldenDior Johnson
DevonteDivine fortuneDeVonte' Graham
DerickRuler of the peopleDerick Brassard
DuncanDark warriorDuncan Jones
DaylenBeautifulDaylen Swearinger-Beaver
DarnellHidden placeDarnell Nurse
DeeganDark-hairedDeegan (Racing)
DonteEnduringDonte DiVincenzo
DarrelBelovedDarrelle Revis
DouglasDark riverDouglas Fairbanks Jr.
DaxtonWarrior's townDax Shepard
DelanoNightFranklin Delano Roosevelt
DamarionTo marvel as GodDamarion James
DesmundFrom the mountainDesmund O'Hanlon
DarynGiftDaryn Colledge
DruWiseDru Joyce III
DeontayModern creationDeontay Wilder
DurandFirm, enduringDurand Johnson
DieterRuler of the peopleDieter Zetsche
DarrylDarlingDarryl McDaniels
DestinFate, destinyDestin Tucker
DysonSon of DenisDyson Heppell
DarvinDear friendDarvin Adams
DonovanDark warriorDonovan McNabb
DamionTo tameDamion James
DraydenDragonDrayden Van Dyke
DempsterJudge, arbiterDempster Jackson
DavionBelonging to the belovedDavion Mitchell
DarrianWealthyDarrian Miller
DavianBelonging to the belovedDavian Adeleke
NameMeaningFamous Person on this Name
EamonWealthy protectorEamon Farren
EamonGracefulEamon de Valera
EastonEast-facing placeEaston Corbin
EastonFrom the East townEaston Corbin
EbenStone of helpEben Alexander
EbenzerStone of helpEbenzer Cobb Morley
EdgarFortunate and powerfulEdgar Allan Poe
EdisonSon of EdwardThomas Edison
EdmundProsperous protectorEdmund Hillary
EdricWealthy rulerEdric Connor
EdwardWealthy guardianEdward Norton
EdwinProsperous friendEdwin Hubble
EdwinRich friendEdwin Booth
EfrainFruitfulEfrain Juarez
EfrainFruitfulEfrain Ríos Montt
ElamForeverElam Jay
ElbertNobleElbert Hubbard
ElbertNoble brightElbert Hubbard
EldenOld friendElden Henson
EldenValley of eldersElden Ring
EldonOf old ageEldon Tyrell
EldridgeWise counselorEldridge Cleaver
EldwinWise friendEldwin Hoffer
ElginNobleElgin Baylor
EliAscendEli Manning
EliHighEli Manning
ElianGod has answeredElian Gonzalez
EliasYahweh is my GodElias Pettersson
EliasMy God is YahwehElias Howe
EliasMy God is YahwehElias Ezekiel
EliezerGod is my helpEliezer Ben-Yehuda
EliezerMy God is my helperEliezer Ben-Yehuda
EliezerMy God is my helperEliezer Everett
ElijahYahweh is GodElijah Wood
ElijahMy God is YahwehElijah Wood
EliotBelonging to the LordT.S. Eliot
EliseoGod is my salvationEliseo Subiela
EliseoGod is my salvationEliseo Salazar
EliseoGod is my salvationEliseo Emerson
ElishaGod is my salvationElisha Cuthbert
ElleryElder tree islandEllery Hanley
EllingLittle elfElling Lien
ElliotThe Lord is my GodElliot Page
ElliottThe Lord is my GodElliott Gould
ElliottJehovah is my GodElliott Smith
EllisBenevolentEllis Marsalis
EllisBenevolentEllis Island
EllisonSon of EllisLarry Ellison
EllsworthNoble estateEllsworth Kelly
ElmerNoble and famousElmer Bernstein
ElmoreMoorlandElmore Leonard
ElroyThe kingElroy Hirsch
EltonElla's townElton John
ElvinFriend of the elvesElvin Hayes
ElvinElf friendElvin Jones
ElwinElf friendElwin Bruno Christoffel
ElwoodElder tree forestElwood Edwards
EmbryWork in progressEmbry Roberts
EmbryFlat-topped hillEmbry Riddle
EmersonBraveRalph Waldo Emerson
EmersonSon of EmeryRalph Waldo Emerson
EmersonSon of EmeryEmerson Easton
EmeryBraveEmery Kelly
EmilioRivalEmilio Estevez
EmmetFortunateEmmet Till
EmmettUniversalEmmett Till
EmmettFortunateEmmett Till
EmmittUniversalEmmitt Smith
EmoryIndustriousEmory Johnson
EmoryRich seaEmory University
EnderEnd of the worldEnder's Game
EnochDedicatedEnoch Powell
EnochDedicatedEnoch Powell
EnriqueRuler of the householdEnrique Iglesias
EnriqueHome rulerEnrique Iglesias
EnzoRuler of the householdEnzo Ferrari
EphraimFruitfulEphraim McDowell
EphraimFruitfulEphraim Elden
ErasmoBelovedErasmus Darwin
ErasmusBelovedErasmus Darwin
ErhardStrong warriorErhard Milch
EricEternal rulerEric Clapton
EricForever rulerEric Clapton
ErnestSeriousErnest Hemingway
ErnestoSeriousErnesto Che Guevara
ErrolNobleErrol Flynn
EstebanCrownedEsteban Ocon
EthanStrongEthan Hawke
EthanStrengthEthan Hawke
EthanielGod is my strengthEthaniel Nettles
EustaceFruitfulEustace Conway
EvanYoung warriorEvan Peters
EvanGod is graciousEvan Peters
EvanderGod is manEvander Holyfield
EvanderGod is manEvander Ellis
EvanescenceGoing awayEvanescence
EverettBrave as a wild boarEverett McGill
EverettBrave boarEverett Golson
EverettBrave boarEverett Lee
EveretteStrong as a wild boarEverette Hartsoe
EwanBorn of the yew treeEwan McGregor
EzekielGod strengthensEzekiel Elliott
EzekielGod will strengthenEzekiel Elliott
EzekielGod will strengthenEzekiel David
EzraHelpEzra Koenig
EzraHelperEzra Miller
EzraHelperEzra Ezekiel
NameMeaningFamous Person
NameMeaningFamous Person on this Name
FabianBean growerFabian Delph
FabioBeanFabio Lanzoni
FableStoryFable Haven
FaelanLittle wolfFaelan O'Donnell
FairbanksFair banksDouglas Fairbanks
FairchildFair childFairchild Aircraft
FairestMost beautifulFairest Hughes
FairfaxBlondThomas Fairfax
FairfaxBlond hairFairfax County
FairlightFair lightFairlight CMI
FairmontBeautiful mountainFairmont Hotels
FairwayClear path on a golf courseFairway Green
FairweatherPleasant climateFairweather Park
FalconaireFalcon-likeFalconaire Aviation
FalconcrestFalcon's crestFalconcrest Estate
FalconerFalcon trainerFalconer Hughes
FalconhurstFalcon's groveFalconhurst Castle
FalconridgeFalcon's ridgeFalconridge Mountains
FalkirkChurch by the manorFalkirk Castle
FallonLeaderJimmy Fallon
FallowPaleFallow Harper
FallowayYellow-brown colorFalloway Fields
FallowfieldPale fieldFallowfield Park
FalmouthMouth of the riverFalmouth Harbour
FalstaffFalcon-likeSir John Falstaff
FaneJoyfulFaneuil Hall
FaradayBlacksmithMichael Faraday
FaradayBlacksmithMichael Faraday
FarallonCliff or rockFarallon Islands
FaramirRenowned servantFaramir Tolkien
FarleyFern clearingChris Farley
FarnsworthFern-covered estatePhilo Farnsworth
FarquharDear oneFarquharson Clan
FarrenAdventurous travelerFarren Blackburn
FarringtonTown of the adventurous oneFarrington Vaughn
FarthingFourthFarthington Anderson
FarthingtonTown of the fourthFarthington Anderson
FathomMeasure of depthFathom Jones
FaulconerFalconerJames Faulconer
FaulklandFalcon's landFaulkland Castle
FaulknerFalconerWilliam Faulkner
FaulksFalcon-likeSebastian Faulks
FavianMan of wisdom
FavianMan of courageFavian Sabatier
FelicityHappinessFelicity Huffman
FelixHappy, fortunateFelix Kjellberg
FenderProtectorFender Stratocaster
FendermanGuitar playerFenderman Smith
FennecDesert foxFennec Fox
FentonMarsh townFenton Hardy
FerdinandBold voyagerFerdinand Magellan
FergusMan of forceFergus Henderson
FergussonSon of FergusFergusson Wright
FerngullyHidden valley of fernsFerngully Forest
FernleighFern meadowFernleigh Park
FerrisRockFerris Bueller
FidelFaithfulFidel Castro
FielderField workerPrince Fielder
FieldingLives in the fieldHenry Fielding
FieldingLives in the fieldHenry Fielding
FieldstoneRocky fieldFieldstone Murray
FinchleyClearing of the finchesFinchley Road
FinleyFair heroFinley Quaye
FinnFairFinn Wolfhard
FinnbarrFair-hairedFinnbarr Clabby
FinneasFairFinneas O'Connell
FinneganFairFinnegan Oldfield
FinnianFairFinnian of Clonard
FinnickFairFinnick Odair
FinsburyFinn's strongholdFinsbury Park
FirestoneFlint's stoneHarvey Firestone
FirethornThorny shrub with fiery berriesFirethorn Bennett
FirthArm of the seaFirth of Forth
FisherFishermanCarrie Fisher
FitzgeraldSon of GeraldF. Scott Fitzgerald
FitzgeraldSon of the spear rulerFitzgerald Grant
FitzpatrickSon of PatrickRobert Fitzpatrick
FitzsimmonsSon of SimonBob Fitzsimmons
FitzwilliamSon of WilliamFitzwilliam Darcy
FitzwilliamSon of WilliamFitzwilliam Darcy
FlannelSoft woven fabricFlannel Thompson
FlanneryRed-hairedFlannery O'Connor
FlashQuickFlash Gordon
FlavianYellow-hairedFlavius Aetius
FlaviusGolden-hairedFlavius Aetius
FleetwoodWood by the creekFleetwood Mac
FletcherArrow-makerFletcher Cox
FletchingArrow-makingFletching Wilson
FlindersFlint workerMatthew Flinders
FlintStreamFlint Eastwood
FlintlockFirearm mechanismFlintlock Holmes
FlintlockeFirearm lockFlintlocke Ironboot
FlintshirePlace of flintsFlintshire County
FlintstoneStone near the riverFred Flintstone
FlintwoodStream in the woodsFlintwood Thorne
FloydGray-hairedPink Floyd
FlynnSon of the red-haired oneFlynn Bloom
FolsomFamous shieldFolsom Prison
FontaineFountainJoan Fontaine
FontainebleauBeautiful fountainFontainebleau Palace
FontleroySpring by the roadFontleroy Jenkins
FordRiver crossingHarrison Ford
FordhamHome near the fordFordham University
ForestallPrevent or obstructForestall Chambers
ForestdaleValley in the forestForestdale Brooks
ForesterForest workerForester Cullis
ForrestDweller near the woodsForrest Gump
FortitudeStrength and courageFortitude Mercer
FortuneLuckyFortune Feimster
FosterForest workerJodie Foster
FosterlyMeadow near the woodsFosterly Bennett
FoxFoxMegan Fox
FoxgloveFlowering plantFoxglove Taylor
FoxleyFox clearingFoxley Norris
FranklinFree landownerBenjamin Franklin
FraserStrawberryBrendan Fraser
FrasierCurly-hairedFrasier Crane
FrederickPeaceful rulerFrederick Douglass
FreelanderFree landownerFreelander Vaughn
FreemanFree manMorgan Freeman
FreeportPort of freedomFreeport
FreesiaFlowerFreesia Smith
FreestoneFree stoneFreestone Quarry
FrigateFast naval vesselFrigate Nelson
FrigganGod of loveFriggan Marvel
FrontierBorderFrontier Airlines
FrostbiteIcy touchFrostbite Jackson
FrostfieldField covered in frostFrostfield Harper
FrosthavenCold shelterFrosthaven Village
FrostwoodCold forestFrostwood Morris
FulbrightVery brightJ. William Fulbright
FulgentiusShiningFulgentius of Ruspe
FulsomeExcessiveFulsome Johnson
FultonBird of the fieldRobert Fulton
FurlongMeasurement of distanceFurlong Square
NameMeaningFamous Person on this Name
GableTax collectorClark Gable
GabrielGod is my strengthGabriel García Márquez
GabrielGod is my strengthGabriel Iglesias, Gabriel García Márquez
GadielGod is my fortuneGadiel Del Orbe
GaelStrangerGael García Bernal
GagePledge or oathGage Golightly
GageOathGage Golightly, Gage Beasley
GaiusRejoicerGaius Marius
GaladLight of the treesGaladriel
GaladrielLady of LightGaladriel
GalenTranquil or calmGalen Rupp
GalenCalmGalen Rupp, Galen Marek
GalileoFrom GalileeGalileo Galilei
GallagherEager helperGallagher
GallantBrave and nobleGallant Fox
GalvinSparrowGalvin Free
GamalielGod is my rewardGamaliel Bailey
GambleOld Norse for "old"Gamble Rogers
GannonFair-skinnedGannon O'Brien
GarethGentleGareth Bale
GarfieldTriangular fieldGarfield
GarlandLand of spearJudy Garland
GarretsonSon of GarretGarretson Becker
GarrettSpear strengthGarrett Hedlund
GarrettSpear rulerGarrett Hedlund, Garrett Morris
GarrickMighty spearGarrick Hagon
GarrisonSpear-fortified townGarrison Keillor
GarrisonCastle keeperGarrison Keillor, Garrison Hearst
GarthGardenGarth Brooks
GarySpearGary Oldman
GastonFrom GasconyGaston Leroux
GatsbyA person who is always happy and cheerfulThe Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
GavinWhite hawkGavin Newsom
GavinWhite hawkGavin Newsom, Gavin Rossdale
GavrielGod is my strengthGavriel D. Rosenfeld
GentryNobleGentry Lee
GeorgeFarmerGeorge Washington
GeorgeEarthworkerGeorge Washington, George Clooney
GermainBrotherGermain Ifedi
GershwinSon of GershowGeorge Gershwin
GibsonSon of GilbertGibson Johns
GideonMighty warriorGideon Adlon
GideonDestroyerGideon Yu, Gideon Emery
GilJoyGil Gerard
GilMy joyGil Scott-Heron, Gil Bellows
GilbertBright pledgeGilbert Gottfried
GilbertoBright pledgeGilberto Gil
GilchristServant of ChristGilchrist
GilroyRedheadGilroy Chow
GiovanniGod is graciousGiovanni Ribisi
GlendonValleyGlendon Swarthout
GlennValleyGlenn Close
GodfreyGod's peaceGodfrey of Bouillon
GoldwinGolden friendGoldwin Smith
GoodwinFriend of GodGoodwin Procter, Goodwin Knight
GracelynGracefulGracelyn Chidester
GracenGraceGracen Wesley
GradyNoble or illustriousGrady Jarrett
GrahamGravelly homesteadGraham Norton
GrahamGracefulGraham Greene, Graham Norton
GrangerFarmerGranger Smith
GrantGreat or largeUlysses S. Grant
GrantGraceGrant Gustin, Grant Wood
GrayGrey-hairedGray Damon
GraydonSon of the gray-haired manGraydon Carter
GraysonSon of the stewardGrayson Dolan
GraysonSon of the stewardGrayson Allen, Grayson Perry
GreeneGreenGraham Greene
GreenwoodGreen forestLee Greenwood
GreerAlertGreer Garson
GregoryVigilant watchmanGregory Peck
GregoryWatchfulGregory Peck, Gregory House
GreyGrey-hairedGrey Damon
GreysonSon of the gray-haired manGreyson Chance
GreystonGray stoneGreyston Holt
GriffinStrong lordGriffin Gluck
GriffinStrong-headedGriffin Newman, Griffin Dunne
GrimsleyDark meadowGrimsley High School
GriswoldGray forestGriswold family in "National Lampoon's Vacation"
GrizzlyGrizzly bearGrizzly Smith
GulliverGreedyGulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift
GunnerBold warriorGunner Wright
GunnerWarriorGunner Stahl, Gunner Stahl
GuntherBold warriorGunther Gebel-Williams
GusMajesticGus Van Sant
GustRoyal staffGust Adolph
GustavStaff of the GothsGustav Klimt
GustavoRoyal staffGustavo Dudamel
GustavusRoyal staffGustavus Adolphus
NameMeaningFamous Person on this Name
HamiltonBeautiful mountainAlexander Hamilton
HankRuler of the householdHank Williams
HarperHarp playerHarper Lee
HarrisSon of HarryNeil Patrick Harris
HarrisonSon of HarryHarrison Ford
HarveyArmy warriorHarvey Milk
HavenSafe placeHaven Moses
HaydenFireHayden Christensen
HayesLives by the forestIsaac Hayes
HeathLand of heathensHeath Ledger
HectorHolding fastHector Elizondo
HendrixSon of HenryJimi Hendrix
HenryRuler of the householdHenry Ford
HoldenDeep valleyHolden Caulfield
HoustonSettlement in the hillsSam Houston
HowardHigh guardianHoward Hughes
HuckLuckyMark Twain
HudsonSon of HudHudson Hawk
HugoMind, intellectVictor Hugo
HunterOne who huntsHunter Hayes
HuxleyFrom Hugh's meadowAldous Huxley
HadenHedged valleyHaden Christensen
HagenHedged enclosureHagen Mills
HakeemWiseHakeem Olajuwon
HalWholeHal Holbrook
HaleHealthy, haleHale Berry
HalenLittle rockHalen Davis
HalstonFrom the hall of stoneHalston Sage
HamdenHigh meadowHamden Milton
HankHenryHank Aaron
HanleyField of heatherHanley Ramírez
HarlanWoodlandHarlan Ellison
HarleyFreeholderHarley Davidson
HaroldArmy rulerHarold Bloom
HaroonGiftHaroon Mirza
HarperHarp playerHarper Lee
HarrisHe-bearHarris Wittels
HarrisonSon of HarryHarrison Ford
HarveyBattle worthyHarvey Weinstein
HaudenFortressHauden Savage
HavenSafe havenHaven Shepherd
HaydenFrom the hedged valleyHayden Christensen
HayesField of heatherHayes Grier
HeathHeathlandHeath Ledger
HeathcliffHeathlandHeathcliff Huxtable
HectorSteadfastHector Berlioz
HendersonSon of HenryHenderson Forsythe
HendrixSon of HenryJimi Hendrix
HenryRuler of an estateHenry Cavill
HenrykRuler of an estateHenryk Górecki
HerbertBright armyHerbert Hoover
HermanArmy manHerman Melville
HiramExaltedHiram Walker
HoganYoung warriorHulk Hogan
HolbrookFrom the hole in the brookHolbrook McDonald
HoldenFrom the valley of the hollyHolden Caulfield
HoodProtectorRobin Hood
HopeOptimismHope Solo
HopperHopperDennis Hopper
HoratioWatchfulHoratio Hornblower
HowardWatchful warriorHoward Stern
HudsonFrom the son of HughHudson Hawk
HugoAn intellectualHugo Boss
HugonioOne who thinksHugo Chavez
HulbertStrong-mindedHulbert Wolin
HunterHuntsmenHunter Hayes
HuxleyFrom the holly bushesAldous Huxley
HyattFrom the high gateHyatt Regency
HymanLifeHyman Rickover
NameMeaningFamous Person on this Name
IanGod is graciousIan Somerhalder
IbraheemFather of manyMuhammad Ali
IbrahimFather of manyMuhammad Ali
IcarusMythical son of DaedalusIcarus
IcarusMythical son of DaedalusIcarus
IchabodNo gloryIchabod Crane
IchiroFirst sonIchiro Suzuki
IdaliaNoble and beautifulIdalia Fernandez
IdrisInterpreterIdris Elba
IdrissaImmortalIdrissa Gueye
IeuanGift from GodIeuan Evans
IggyShort for IgnacioIggy Pop
IgnacioFieryIgnacio Allende
IgnacioFire of GodIgnacio Zaragoza
IgnatiusFiery, ardentIgnatius Loyola
IgnatiusFiery, ardentIgnatius Piazza
IgnazioFieryIgnazio Boschetto
IkaiBrave and nobleIkai Williams
IkechukwuGod's powerIkechukwu Uche
IkerVisitationIker Casillas
IkerOakIker Casillas
IlaiStrength of GodIlai Amir
IlanOak treeIlan Ramon
IliadTroyHomer's "Iliad"
IliasJehovah is my GodIlias Akhomach
IlijahMy God is YahwehIlijah Muhammad
IlyaGod is my salvationIlya Kovalchuk
ImaadEternalImaad Shah
ImanFaithfulIman Shumpert
ImaniFaithImani Hakim
ImaniFaithImani Hakim
ImanolGod is mercifulImanol Alguacil
ImmanuelGod is with usImmanuel Kant
ImreBelovedImre Kertész
InderGod is my protectorInder Kumar
IndianaLand of IndiansIndiana Jones
IndianaLand of the IndiansIndiana Jones
IndigoBlue dyeIndigo Girls
IndigoBlue dyeIndigo Girls
InglebertBright angelInglebert Humperdinck
InglebertBright angelInglebert the Elder
InglewoodForest in meadowInglewood
IngmarFamous sonIngmar Bergman
IngoIng's sonIngo Swann
IngramAngel, messengerIngram Bergman
InigoFieryInigo Montoya (Princess Bride)
InigoFieryInigo Montoya
IñigoFire of GodIñigo Montoya
InmanMan of faithInman Morrison
IolaniHeavenlyIolani Palace
IraWatchfulIra Glass
IradFugitiveIrad Hardy
IraePrayerIrae Simone
IraheemMerciful oneIraheem Abberley
IraíRainbowIraí Miranda
IraidelGod's giftIraidel Moncada
IraúnaGolden eagleIraúna Martins
IrazábalGod's protectionIrazábal Herrera
IrenaeusPeacefulIrenaeus of Lyons
IrfanKnowledgeIrfan Pathan
IriarteWarrior kingIriarte Calderón
IricFieryIric Larkin
IricardoFiery rulerIricardo Diaz
IrieGood vibesIrie Révoltés
IroquoisHe who speaksIroquois Confederacy
IrvenGreen waterIrven Spence
IrvinFriend with boar spearIrvin Kershner
IrvinGreenIrvin S. Cobb
IrvingFriend of the seaIrving Berlin
IrvingFriend of the seaIrving Berlin
IrwinSea friendSteve Irwin
IrwinSea friendSteve Irwin
IsaacLaughterIsaac Newton
IsadoreGift of IsisIsadore "Friz" Freleng
IsaiGod is salvationIsai Calderón
IsaiahSalvation of the LordIsaiah Thomas
IsaiahSalvation of the LordIsaiah Thomas
IsaiasThe Lord is salvationIsaias Medina
IsakLaughterIsak Dinesen
IsamGod hearsIsam Bachiri
IsandroHelper of mankindIsandro Martinez
IsauroDeer of GodIsauro Arancibia
IshaanGift from GodIshaan Khatter
IshaiGod hearsIshai Golan
IshanSunIshan Kishan
IshmaelGod listensIshmael Beah
IshmaelGod listensIshmael Reed
IsiahSalvation of the LordIsiah Whitlock Jr.
IsiahGod savesIsiah Santana
IsidorGift of IsisIsidor Isaac Rabi
IsidorDefender of the cityIsidro Labrador
IsidoreGift of IsisIsidore of Seville
IsidoreGift of IsisIsidore of Seville
IsidroGifted with many ideasIsidro Fabela
IsidroDefender of the cityIsidro Labrador
IskenderDefender of menIskender Kebab
IslayIslandIslay Scotch whisky
IsmarGod is my shepherdIsmar Elsner
IsomEqualIsom Palfrey
IsomOakIsom Corbin
IsraJourneyIsraa Al-Ghomgham
IsraelWrestles with GodIsrael Adesanya
IsraelWrestles with GodIsrael Dagg
IsrafilAngel of the trumpetIsrafil Firdaus
IsrealGod contendsDavid Ben-Gurion
IthaiGod is my rewardIthai Ben-Hodaiah
IthamarGod's giftIthamar bin Aaron
IthielGod is with meIthiel Adjei
ItsukiLucky starItsuki Nakajima
IvanGod is graciousIvan Pavlov
IvarArcherIvar Ballangrud
IvarForest warriorIvar the Boneless
IvenArcherIven Carlquist
IverArcherIver Johnson
IverArcherIver Johnson
IversonSon of IvorAllen Iverson
IvesArcher's bowCharles Ives
IvesArcher's bowCharles Ives
IvesonSon of IvesCharles Iveson
IvoYew woodIvo Graham
IvorArcher's bowIvor Novello
IvoryWhiteIvory Laverne
Ivory CoastWhite mountainIvory Coast National Football Team
IzaakLaughterIzaak Walton
IzaiahGod's salvationIzaiah Thomas
IzembardIron bardIzembard Gilchrist
JabariPowerful and strongJabari Parker
NameMeaningFamous Person on this Name
JabariFearlessJabari Parker
JabezSorrowJabez Wilson
JacariBelovedJacari McRae
JaceHealingJace Norman
JacintoHyacinth flowerJacinto Convit
JackGod is graciousJack Nicholson
JacksonSon of JackJackson Pollock
JacobSupplanterJacob Tremblay
JacobiSupplanterJacobi Wynne
JacopoSupplanterJacopo Sannazaro
JacoriHealerJacori Hayes
JaegarHunterJaegar Ackerman
JaelMountain goat
JaelinMountain goatJaelin Kauf
JaggerCarterMick Jagger
JaisonSon of Jason
JaivonModern name
JalenCombination of Jay and AllenJalen Hurts
JalinBird of lightJalin Marshall
JalonSing, musical noteJalon Jones
JamariPrinceJamari Traylor
JamellHandsomeJamell Fleming
JamesSupplanterJames Franco
JamisonSon of James
JannikGod is graciousJannik Sinner
JansonSon of JanJanson Junk
JanssenSon of JanJanssen de Jong
JantzenJan's son
JarebHe will contend
JaredDescentJared Leto
JarekFierce and braveJarek Yeager
JarellJerome rulesJarell Martin
JarenTo sing or shoutJaren Jackson Jr.
JarielGod will uplift
JaronTo sing or shoutJaron Brown
JarrinJourneyJarrin Solomon
JashFrom the name JoshuaJash Allen
JashawnGod is gracious
JasperBringer of treasureJasper Johns
JassielGod beholds
JastinJust, fairJastin Artis
JataviousBeautiful, handsomeJatavious Harris
JathanGift from God
JavariFierce, strong
JavelTravelerJavel DeJesus
JavelinLight spear
JavenSon of the south wind
JavianBright, joyfulJavian Hawkins
JavinFatherJavin Hunter
JavonteGod is graciousJavonte Green
JaxenSon of Jack
JaxielGod is my savior
JaxirTo be happy
JaxonGod has been graciousJaxon Bieber
JaxstonSon of Jack
JaxtenSon of Jack
JaxtonSon of Jack
JaxxonSon of Jack
JaxynSon of Jack
JaydenThankfulJayden Smith
JaylenJay birdJaylen Brown
JaylinJay bird
JaymarGod is gracious
JayshawnGod is gracious
JayvenGod is gracious
JayvionModern invention
JazielGod beholdsJaziel Pugh
JeddWide meadowJedd Gyorko
JeffersonSon of JeffreyThomas Jefferson
JeffreyPeaceful pledgeJeffrey Dean Morgan
JemuelGod's day
JencarlosA combination of Jen and CarlosJencarlos Canela
JensenSon of JensJensen Ackles
JentleyGentle, soft
JentzenBorn to be blessedJentzen Ramirez
JeremiahYahweh will exaltJeremiah Johnson
JeremyThe Lord will raise upJeremy Renner
JeriahGod sees
JerichoCity of the moon
JericoCity of the moonJerico
JerielGod will upliftJeriel Smith
JerisonSon of Jerry
JermaineBrotherJermaine Jackson
JerrickRuler with spear
JerrisonSon of Jerry
JerronCry of rejoicing
JersonSon of JerJerson Cabral
JeshuaYahweh is salvationJeshua
JesseGiftJesse Eisenberg
JetBlack gemstoneJet Li
JethGift of GodJethro
JethroExcellence, abundanceJethro Tull
JetsonSon of Jet
JettExceedingly black or boldJett Travolta
JettsonSon of JetJettson Duesterhaus
JevinFair, handsomeJevin Julian
JexPatrioticJex Blackmore
JexonSon of Jack
JexsonSon of Jack
JezreelGod will sow
JhalilGreat, nobleJhalil Okafor
JhettGazerJhett Johnson
JhonenGod is graciousJhonen Vasquez
JimmySupplanterJimmy Fallon
JionniGod is graciousJionni LaValle
JoaquinGod will judgeJoaquin Phoenix
JoashGift from GodJoash Onyango
JobePersecutedJobe Watson
JoelJehovah is GodJoel Embiid
JolonValley of the dead oaksJolon Clark
JolyonYouthfulJolyon Palmer
JomarJove loveJomar Ang
JomariGod lifts upJomari Goyso
JomarionCombination of Jovanny and Marion
JomuelGod's grace
JonahDoveJonah Hill
JonathonGift of JehovahJonathon Taylor Thomas
JonnyGod is graciousJonny Greenwood
JontaeGod is gracious
JontyGod is graciousJonty Rhodes
JorahFirst rain or autumn rainJorah Mormont
JordanTo flow downMichael Jordan
JorianFarmerJorian Ponomareff
JorimGod is exalted
JorvikWild boar estateJorvik
JosephMay Jehovah addJoseph Gordon-Levitt
JoshuaThe Lord is my salvationJoshua Jackson
JossGod will addJoss Whedon
JossiahJehovah heals
JothamYahweh is perfectJotham Pugh
JourneyTravelJourney River Green
JovanYoung warriorJovan Adepo
JovaniGod is gracious
JovannyGod is gracious
JovanyGod is gracious
JovianFather of JoveJovian
JovianoGod is graciousJoviano Loro
JovinGod is gracious
JovitoHappy, joyfulJovito Salonga
JozefGod will addJozef Urban
JoziahJehovah heals
JuelzBlessed oneJuelz Santana
JulianYouthful, downyJulian Assange
JulianusYouthfulJulianus Pomerius
JullianYouthfulJullian Taylor
JunaidYoung warriorJunaid Khan
JusticeFair, righteousJustice Smith
JustinJust, fairJustin Timberlake
JustinianJust, fairJustinian I
JyairVictoriousJyair Black
NameMeaningFamous Person on this Name
KadeRoundKadeem Hardison
KadenCompanionKaden Smith
KadinCompanionKadin McElwain
KaelMighty warriorKael'thas Sunstrider
KaelanSlimKaelan Barowsky
KaiSeaKai Greene
KaidenCompanionKaiden Guhle
KainSpearKain Carter
KaineTributeKaine Parker
KairoVictoriousKairo Whitfield
KaisonRejoiceKaison Hammonds
KalebFaithfulKaleb Nation
KalenMighty warriorKalen Ballage
KamdenWinding valleyNone
KameronCrooked noseKameron Hurley
KarsenSon of CarrNone
KarsonSon of CarrKarson Kuhlman
KarstenChristianKarsten Warholm
KarsynSon of CarrNone
KaseBraveKase King
KasenPureKasen Williams
Keegansmall and fieryKeegan-Michael Key
KeithWood or forestKeith Urban
KellanPowerfulKellan Lutz
KellenSwamp landKellen Moore
KeltonTown of the keelsKelton Jennings
KendrickRoyal rulerKendrick Lamar
KenzoStrongKenzo Lee Hounsou
KeonGod is graciousKeon Broxton
KevinGentleKevin Hart
KianAncientKian Lawley
KillianLittle churchKillian Jones
KingsleyKing's meadowKingsley Coman
KingstonKing's townKingston Rossdale
KiptonFrom the pointed hillNone
KlaytonFrom the town with clayKlay Thompson
KnoxRound hillKnox Jolie-Pitt
KodaBearKoda Glover
KodyHelpfulKody Brown
KohenPriestKohen Fortenberry
KolbyDark-hairedKolby Allard
KoltCoal townKolton Wong
KoltonCoal townKolton Wong
KoltynCoal townKoltyn Murphy
KrewGroup or teamKrew Bingham
KrossCrossKross Asghedom
KruzCrossKruz Newinsky
KyanLittle kingNone
KyeDiamond in the skyKye Allums
KylanNarrowKylan Wade
KyleNarrow straitKyle Chandler
KylenNarrow landKylen Granson
KylerBowmanKyler Murray
KylianLittle FrenchmanKylian Mbappé
KyrieLordKyrie Irving
KysonSon of KyleNone
NameMeaningFamous Person on this Name
LachlanFrom the fjord-landLachlan Murdoch
Lachlannfrom the land of lakesLachlann MacDonald
Lachlansonfrom the land of lakes and sonLachlanson MacKinnon
LacywealthyLacy Chabert
LakenlakeLaken Tomlinson
Lakinsonlake and sonLakinson James
LamarFamous in the landLamar Jackson
Lamarcusgentle warriorLamarcus Aldridge
Lamarquisgentle princeLamarquis Johnson
Lamarroncreated nameLamarron James
Lamarronsoncreated name and sonLamarronson James
Lambertbright landLambert Wilson
LanceLandLance Armstrong
LandenLong hillLanden Lucas
LandonLong hillLandon Donovan
LandryRulerLandry Allbright
LaneNarrow roadLane Garrison
Langdonlong valleyLangdon Alger
Langdonnlong valley and sonLangdonn Alger
LangleyLong meadowLangley Kirkwood
LangstonTall man's townLangston Hughes
Laramieforked streamLaramie Morse
Larenzbrave as a lionLarenz Tate
LarryLaurel wreathLarry King
LarsLaurel treeLars Ulrich
Larsenson of LarsLarsen Thompson
Larsensonson of Lars and sonLarsenson Lusko
Latrellcreated nameLatrell Sprewell
LawrenceFrom LaurentumLawrence Taylor
LawsonSon of LawrenceLawson Bates
LaytonmeadowLayton Greene
Laytonnmeadow and sonLaytonn Williams
Laytonssonmeadow and son and sonLaytonsson Williams
LeanderLion-manLeander Paes
LeifBelovedLeif Garrett
LeightonMeadow townLeighton Meester
LelandMeadowlandLeland Chapman
Lelandonmeadow land and sonLelandon Palmer
Lelandonsonmeadow land and son and sonLelandonson Palmer
Lemuelgift of GodLemuel Gulliver
LennonDear oneJohn Lennon
LennoxWith many elm treesLennox Lewis
Lennoxonlake of the yew trees and town and sonLennoxon Hill
Lennoxtonlake of the yew trees and townLennoxton Hill
LeoLionLeonardo DiCaprio
LeonlionLeon Bridges
LeonardoBrave lionLeonardo da Vinci
LeonellionLeonel Messi Jr.
LeroyThe kingLeroy Jenkins
LevjoinedLev Grossman
LeviJoined in harmonyLevi Strauss
Levinjoined and sonLevin Grossman
Levinsonjoined and son and sonLevinson Grossman
Levitahansea monster and sonLeviathan Jr.
Levitahansonsea monster and son and sonLeviathanson Jr.
Levithansea monsterLeviathan
LewislionLewis Hamilton
Lewistonlion's townLewiston Porter
Lewistonsonlion's town and son and sonLewistonson Porter Jr.
LiamStrong-willed warriorLiam Neeson
LincolnTown by the poolAbraham Lincoln
LindenLime treeLinden Ashby
LinusFlaxLinus Torvalds
LionelYoung lionLionel Richie
Lisandrofree manLisandro Cuxi
Lisandrosonfree man and son and sonLisandroson Cuxi Jr.
LoganSmall hollowLogan Paul
LorenzoLaurelLorenzo Lamas
LouisFamous warriorLouis Armstrong
LowellLittle wolfLowell George
LucalightLuca Guadagnino
LucasLightLucas Black
LuccaLightLucca Baptista
LucianLightLucian Freud
LucianoLightLuciano Pavarotti
LuciusLightLucius Malfoy
LukeLight-givingLuke Skywalker
LukenlightLuken Baker
LyleIslandLyle Lovett
LyndonLinden tree hillLyndon B. Johnson
LyricWords of a songLyric Lewis
Lysanderfree manLysander Spooner
NameMeaningFamous Person on this Name
NapoleonLion of the new cityNapoleon Bonaparte
NashBy the ash treeNash Grier
NateGift from GodNate Robinson
NathanGift from GodNathan Fillion
NathanaelGift of GodNathanael West
NathanialGift from GodNathaniel Hawthorne
NathanielGift of GodNathaniel Hawthorne
NaveedGood newsNaveed Siddiqui
NaveenNewNaveen Andrews
NealChampionNeal McDonough
NedWealthNed Beatty
NeddyWealthy guardianNeddy Smith
NedrickWealthy guardianNedrick Young
NehemiahComforterNehemiah Persoff
NeilChampionNeil Armstrong
NelsonSon of NeilNelson Mandela
NeoNewNeo Yokio
NevilleNew villageNeville Longbottom
NevinSaint's servantNevin Millan
NewtNew townNewt Gingrich
NewtonNew townIsaac Newton
NiallChampionNiall Horan
NicholasVictory of the peopleNicholas Cage
NickolasVictory of the peopleNickolas Loeb
NicoVictory of the peopleNico Tortorella
NigelDark championNigel Mansell
NikhilWholeNikhil Advani
NikoVictory of the peopleNiko Bellic
NikolaiVictory of the peopleNikolai Tesla
NikolasVictory of the peopleNikolas Loeb
NileChampionNile Rodgers
NilesChampionNiles Crane
NiranjanLord of the nightNiranjan Shah
NixonSon of NicholasRichard Nixon
NoahRestNoah Wyle
NoamPleasantNoam Chomsky
NobleAristocraticNoble Willingham
NoelChristmasNoel Fisher
NolanDescendant of a chariotNolan Ryan
NorbertBright northNorbert Leo Butz
NorbertoBright northNorberto Fontana
NormanNorthern manNorman Reedus
NorrisNorthernerNorris Cole
NorthNorthernNorth West
NortonFrom the north townEdward Norton
NorwoodFrom the north woodsNorwood Young
NovakNewcomerNovak Djokovic
NygelChampionNygel Edmonds
NyjahSon of warriorNyjah Huston
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